Ascending Ladder of:
• Air Squats
• Leg Swings
Begin with 1 rep of each, then 2 reps, 3, 4, and 5.
Run for 20 minutes (or in the first 20 minutes of your run) you will stop every 5 minutes and perform:
• 10 High Knees
• 10 Butt Kicks
• 10 Good Pulls
Then resume your run.
A Good Pull is an ideal location to pull your foot away from the ground. It is easiest to perform when running in place, where focus is on pulling the heel along the support leg (or directly under booty).
Mobility Exercise:
2-3 minutes
Foam roller calf + ankle circles
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
10 Inch Worms
10 Spiderman Crawls
Death by Squat Jumps + Burpees.
• Start with 1 rep of each.
• Every minute add an additional rep of each movement.
• So 2nd minutes is 2 squat jumps, 2 burpees, and 5th minute is 5 squat jumps and 5 burpees. Go as long as you can! Can you make it to 10 minutes?
Mobility Exercise:
Lateral lunge hold.
Accumulate 2 minutes per side.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Bonus Challenge
Bonus Mobility:
20-30 reps:
• Toe Extension Curls
Bonus Strength:
3 Sets
• 10 Seated DB Press (Z Press)
• 10 DB Step Ups (5 each leg)
• 1 Pike Leg Lift Cycle (10 taps, 10 circles each, 0:10 left and hold)
Rest as needed between each to ensure quality of movement . Attempt to increase load/challenge each set.