20 MTN Climbers (10 slow transition, 10 fast transition)
200m Jog
20 Leg Swings
200m Jog
Run Drill:
Breathing Work:
It’s not “cool” to be silent when you’re exercising. For one reason or another, there is a certain shame associated with breathing hard during your runs.
So take today to run on your own or with people who you don’t feel social pressure from.
Breathing Set
3 Rounds
5 min Easy
5 min Moderate
5 min Hard
• Today is not about hitting certain paces, it’s about relative exertion. Use this as your guide.
• The focus is on monitoring your breathing through the entire workout. You will need to adjust your breathing rate and volume according to your exertion.
• Try and breath as fully as you can. Pull lots of air in, push lots of air out. No more shallow BS breathing. Your body needs O2, don’t deprive it because it’s not cool to breath!
Mobility Exercise:
Elevated Low Back Massage
• As much time as you want!
• A favorite for end of the day relaxation.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
15 Air Squats
4×0:30 Pigeon Hold
15 Air Squats
2-3 Sets
1:00 Single Leg Box Squats (alternating), 1:00 Rest
1:00 Accumulate as much time as possible in Hollow Body Hold, 1:00 Rest
1:00 Push-Ups, 1:00 Rest 1:00
Star Plank (Left one set, Right second set), 1:00 Rest
Mobility Exercise:
Foam Roll Lat Peeler
• 2-3 minutes per side.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Bonus Challenge
Bonus Mobility:
20 Scorpions (10 each direction)
Bonus Strength:
3 Sets
3 Strict Single Arm DB Press + 5 Single Arm DB Push Press
Rest as needed
8 Slow Side Squats (4 each direction)
Rest as needed
4 x 3-6-9-12 Hops (each leg)
Rest as needed