Marathon Program

June 5th Weekly Running Tuneup!

June 5th Weekly Running Tuneup!



1 Reps to 5 Reps:

• Air Squats

• Leg Swings

Run Workout:

Posture Checklist

5 Rounds

100m (or 30 seconds) focusing on specific body part positioning. Rest and repeat as needed.


Round 1: Head + Neck

Round 2: Shoulders + Arm Swing

Round 3: Ribs + Abs

Round 4: Hips

Round 5: Feet

Then…800m trying to tie it all together.

Then do you scheduled run workout for the day!

Mobility Exercise:

2-3 min Bone Saw after workout.

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



1:00 Reverse Arm Circles (each arm)

1:00 Deep Lunge Hip Circles (each leg)

Strength Workout:

3 Sets

10 DB Sprawls

Rest 0:30

12 Seated Single Arm DB Press (6 each arm, rest overhead)

Rest 0:30

20 Grasshoppers (10 each leg)

Rest 0:30

15 DB Front Squats

Rest 2:30


• Use whatever DB weight challenges you for the desired movement. If possible, increase weight for each set!

Mobility Exercise:

2-3 min Death Stretch

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

Mermaid Progression

• Pigeon

• Pigeon + Heel Pull

• Mermaid Pose

Bonus Strength:

3 Sets
• 10 Single Arm DB Squat
• 4 x 0:10 Hip Flexion Holds (each leg)
• 1:00 DB Single Leg Balance