Marathon Program

August 20th Tuneup

August 20th Tuneup



Just practice warming up.

Yeah, this sounds very obvious. But a lot of us legitimately just start our run and try and hit pace right away.

Here is my suggestion:

Jog easily for 10-15 minutes. Stop. Gather yourself. Do any stretches you want. Then go!

“But what about my average pace on Strava?!”

Screw it. If it’s that big of a deal, record it separately. Hide it if you need to.

And you know what, you might just start logging more volume if you separate your warm up from your run!

Run Workout:

Drop Recovery

If you’re looking for a sneaky hard workout, here you go!

10-20 minutes easy (skip if you ACTUALLY warmed up)

1 min hard, 5 min easy

1 min hard, 4 min easy

1 min hard, 3 min easy

1 min hard, 2 min easy

1 min hard, 1 min easy.

Advanced: Repeat this sequence.

Mobility Exercise (after run):

LAX Ball on Calves

• 2-3 minutes each leg

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



15 Side Squats each direction.

Workout Demo:


On a track (or simply measure out a 200m course)

For 20 minutes:

• Perform 2 Squat Jumps

• Then run 200m

Repeat this, adding 2 reps of squat jumps each round, until the 20-minute mark is up!


• Make sure you jump in one continuous motion, rather than squatting, pausing, then jumping. This will burn!

Mobility Exercise:

Quad smash on Dumbbell

• 2-3 min each side.

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Material

Bonus Mobility:

10 Shoulder Taps + Shoulder Extension Down Dog

10 Reverse Lunge + Twist (total)

15 Seated Forward Reach

Bonus Strength:

3 Sets

10 SL Deadlifts (leave toes on the ground with trailing leg for balance. keep back flat!)

10 Curl + Shoulder Press (Arnold Press)

1:00 Deadbug (Low back flat on the ground. Engage!)

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