Marathon Program

Week of July 11th

Week of July 11th



• 10 Lateral Hops on each leg

Run Drill:

4 x 0:30 Downhill Run.

• Rest to full recovery between.

• Choice of hill is up to you. If you are just beginning, make sure you choose a hill that allows you to actually run! If you feel yourself bounding up the hill, it may be too steep right now.

Focus points:

• Hips lead the way. Stay tall!

• Cadence maintenance. Quick Feet!

• Relax your upper body!

Mobility Exercise:

• Single Leg Downward Dog (Hold for 10 BIG breaths).

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



20 Mountain Climbers

• Increase speed after first 10.


2 x 4 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). 

• 1st: Burpees

• 2nd: Air Squats

Rest 2 min between AMRAPs

*So spend 4 minutes accumulating as many burpees as you can, rest 2 minutes, then spend 4 minutes accumulating as many air squats as you can.

Mobility Exercise:

Pigeon Stretch

• 3 min per side.

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

Couch Stretch!

• 3 minutes per side.

Bonus Strength:

4 Sets

• 1:00 Pistols (or SL Box Squats) (Alternating), rest 0:30

• 1:00 Grasshopper, rest 0:30

*Spend 1:00 accumulating Pistols, rest 0:30, spend 1:00 accumulating Grasshoppers, rest 0:30. Repeat 3 more sets.


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