• 30 Walking Lunges (each leg). So that means 60 total steps! Warm those glutes up!
Run Drill:
4 x 0:30 Hill Run.
• Rest to full recovery between
• Choice of hill is up to you. If you are just beginning, make sure you choose a hill that allows you to actually run! If you feel yourself bounding up the hill, it may be too steep right now.
Focus points:
• Hips lead the way. Stay tall!
• Cadence maintenance. Quick Feet!
• Use your arm swing!
Mobility Exercise:
Seated fold overs. Reach for foot and allow tissues through your back and hamstrings relax! Big breaths
• 3 min per side.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
3 Rounds (not for time):
• 10m (or 20 step) squat walk
• 10 plank to downward dog shoulder extension.
4 Sets
• 10 Box/Bench/Ledge Step Ups
• AMRAP Push Ups Rest 2 min
*Do as many push-ups as possible in one effort. This can be a judgement call as well. If you feel your form really deteriorating, that would be a time to stop as well, even if you can muscle out some more.
Mobility Exercise:
Deep lunge holds on elevated surface. Explore your hip by pushing knee outwards, inwards, etc.
• 3 min per side.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Bonus Challenge
Bonus Mobility:
3 Sets: 1:00 weighted squat hold.
• Feel free to increase weight across your sets.
• If 1 consecutive minute is not doable, break it up into manageable sets.
Bonus Strength:
3 Sets: 10 DB Burpee Deadlifts
• Increase weight/speed each set
• Rest 3 minutes