Marathon Program

Week of May 2nd 

Week of May 2nd 



Varied Arm Swings + Shoulder Rotation (to add into your regular dynamic warmup)

Run Drill:

Stable Arm Drill Running in Place. 3 rounds of: run arms out straight 15″, 15” arms out straight/hands together, 15”arms out straight/hands together/no lateral swing! Run regularly for 15″ in between each drill.

NOTES: This workout focuses on the importance of your upper body, your arm swing, your ability to rotate AND your ability to resist rotation! Yes there’s a lot going on underneath the hood when we run. But these very accessible exercises will give you a valuable peak!

Mobility Exercise:

10 active lunges finishing with a deep lunge/quad stretch for 2 minutes per side.

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



10 Inch worm walk outs into a plank and “super” plank!


10’ EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 3-7* Shoulder Touch Pushups + 5-10* squats

*= Number based on your current fitness and ability.
Mobility Exercise:

Reverse Triangle

NOTES: Pushups teach us runners a lot about how strong we are! About your posture, stability, range of motion, and ability to control that range of motion. Shoulder touch pushups are just outright MEAN but they teach us even more about our ability to stabilize when we support ourselves on one arm or one leg. Enjoy!

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!