30 Jumping Jacks with straight arms and claps for shoulder warm up.
Run Drill:
Arm swings in staggered stance. 3 rounds of: 0:30 arm swings with left leg forward. 0:30 arm swings with right leg forward. 0:15 easy jog focusing on transferring arm swing drill to run.
NOTES: The focus is on pulling your elbow straight behind you during arm swings. We try to resist the outward swing of the elbow when it is behind us because it can cause unneeded trunk rotation (which can lead to low back stress and funky mechanics in the leg swing).
Mobility Exercise:
Childs Pose with added lat focus. Spend 2:00 minutes each one side focusing on driving chest and head down towards ground and breathing deeply into the side you are focusing on.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Spiderman Crawls. 20 steps total. Feel free to add in extra hip circles or hamstring stretches when paused in deep lunge position.
10’ EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 3-7* Shoulder Touch Pushups + 5-10* squats
*= Number based on your current fitness and ability.
Mobility Exercise:
Quad stretch on side.
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Bonus Challenge
Bonus Strength:
Side Lunges.
Challenge: 3 Sets of 8 side lunges with a 3 second pause in bottom (4 on each side).
Bonus Mobility:
Couch stretch and couch stretch with hamstring variation.
Challenge: 2 minutes in normal couch stretch, then 15 reps of hamstring knee drives (each side).