Marathon Program

Week of August 28th!

Week of August 28th!



20 (10 each way) Heel-Anchored Ankle Circles each leg

5 min Jog EZ


Breathing exercise!

This week I want you to take advantage of practicing your breathing!

Use this drill during one of your ez recovery jogs or something smooth and consistent.


Every 10 minutes, breath in only through the nose.

You are welcome (and encouraged) to breath out through your mouth.


This is a method for encouraging diaphragmatic breaths and will also give you an idea of how under control you are during an easy effort.

People often try to pass the “talk test” when on easy runs (being able to hold conversation), but a real true test is if you can breath through your nose!

Mobility Exercise:

15 Side Squat Slides (total).

Feel free to break these up and take breaks along the way. See how deep you can get while keeping the head level during the slide!

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



10 Deep Lunge to Pigeon (each leg)


5 Sets

10 Air Squats (add weight as needed)

10 Reverse Lunge Steps (5 each leg) (add weight as needed)

10 Glute Bridge (Single Leg or with weight as needed)

Rest 1-2 min between sets.


Progressively adding weight to each movement as directed is the goal (while maintaining form).

 Mobility Exercise:

2-3 min working into Half Lotus position.

Notes: If you feel discomfort in your bottom knee during this, hang your foot off an edge to relieve some of the stress in the knee.

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Warm-Up:

20 Slow, Controlled Mountain Climbers (10 each leg)

Bonus Mobility:

2-3 minutes Press to Cobra pose.

Don’t forget to squeeze your butt!

Bonus Strength:

Core Blast!

2 Sets of Tabata

1st Set:

8 Rounds: 0:20 Work, 0:10 Rest.

Seated Leg Raise Hold


• Lift both legs off the ground and attempt to hold for whole 20 seconds for each Round.

• There is only 10 seconds rest between rounds.

• Options: Both legs off ground, one leg off ground, extra lean back lift.

2nd Set:

8 Rounds: 0:20 Work, 0:10 Rest.

Plank Hold with Limb Raise.


• Right arm Rd 1, Left arm Rd 2, Right leg Rd 3, Left leg Rd 4. Repeat.

• Resting position is in fully supported plank.

• Options: Fully resting instead of plank resting. Or perform plank from knees.