Marathon Program

April 1st Tuneup

April 1st Tuneup


Let’s do some nose breathing! Now, this might not seem groundbreaking, but it sure works well to deepen that breathing to work more efficiently for you as you run. It will also improve your posture and overall athleticism!

Your Mission:

Option 1: Go for a 30-minute run. Challenge yourself to do one full mile of that run using only your nose to inhale.

Option 2: Go for a 30-minute run. Every 10 minutes, run 1 full minute using only your nose to inhale.

Pro tip: Slow down! It is normal to panic during your first few tries at this, but slow down your pace, stick with it and feel the benefits take over!


Grab a resistance band (light to medium) because we’ve got some serious work to do!

Your Workout:

  • 1 minute of banded side steps (remember to move equally in both directions!)
  • Take a 30-second rest.
  • 1 minute of banded upward rows
  • Take a 30-second rest.
  • 1 minute of banded front squats
  • Take a 30-second rest.
  • EITHER 30 seconds of banded overhead lunge pulses on the left + 30 seconds of banded overhead lunge pulses on the right OR 1 minute of banded overhead lunge pulses on one leg, alternating legs between rounds
  • Take a 30-second rest. 
  • Repeat for 3-5 total rounds!

Bonus Challenge

Let’s re-test that plank. This time with a bonus variation to try!

Your Mission:

A) Test your max straight arm plank hold. The goal is to beat your time from last month!

B) Test your max super(wo)man hold! Record your best time (yes, you should try this more than once throughout the week) to refer to the next time we do this!

Drop your questions, comments and, results in the private Facebook group! 🙂