Hip Warm-up
2 Rounds
2 Standing Hip CARs on each leg
1:00 Run
Early Hill Repeats & Late Moderate Effort
4 Rounds:
3:00 Hill Run (goal is maximal elevation while running, no walking)
Rest is easy run back to base and 1:00 at base.
Rest 3-5 minutes after hill repeats, then…
30-45 minutes moderate tempo effort run.
• The tempo effort should not feel good. And that’s on purpose! The hill repeats should shock your legs quite a bit. So today, we practice hitting tempo pace with tired legs. This is an important race training stimulus for later stages of a race!
Mobility Exercise:
2 Rounds 10 Deep Lunge to Hip Extension (each)
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
10 Push-Up to Downward Dog
10 Air Squats with Double Bounce
3 Rounds
10 Push-Up Renegade Rows
15 Air Squats
20 Push Press (pick weight that allows for you to complete 20 reps in 2 sets or fewer)
Rest 1:00
Mobility Exercise:
20 Weighted Cossack Squats
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Bonus Challenge
Bonus Mobility:
• Accumulate 2:00 in Bottom Dip
• Accumulate 2:00 in Thunderbolt
• Accumulate 2:00 in Pigeon
Bonus Strength:
Skill Work
3 Sets
0:30 Elbow Side Plank (each)
0:15 Weighted Squat Hold
• Normal Stance
• Wide Stance
• Narrow Stance
8 Plank with 5 second Single Arm Raise