This one’s called the “1-2-3”
All you’ll need is a track or a stretch of road/trail that equates to 400 meters or .25 miles.
Your Workout
(Whoops! I misspoke in the video. Please do the workout as listed below.)
1 – 2 Rounds (1 round = 3 miles total. Repeat depending on personal abilities)
- Run 1 lap around the track (.25 miles if not on the track) @ a 7/10 perceived effort. This should be a hard but controlled effort
- Walk or jog for 1 lap recovery.
- Run 2 laps around the track @ a 7/10 perceived effort.
- Walk or jog for 2 laps recovery.
- Run 3 laps around the track @ a 7/10 perceived effort.
- Walk or jog for 3 laps recovery
If doing 2 rounds, rest 3 minutes between rounds
Beginner modification: Substitute 1 minute efforts for the 400 meter/.25 mile runs.
Three movements guaranteed to get your entire body fired up!
Your Workout
Find a box or bench of a challenging height (start at 12 inches and move up from there).
3 Rounds
- 16 alternating step-ups (Challenge yourself to load only the hamstring and glute of the front leg, creating little to no push-off from the back leg. Perform these slowly)
- 15 box jumps from a squat (Stand up fully at the top and squeeze those glutes)
- 5-7 single leg push-ups per side (Push-up modification: Go down in a full push-up with legs extended and come up with the knees on the ground)
- 90 seconds rest
- Rest about 3 minutes before starting the next round
Bonus Challenge
A simple, pre or post-run yoga flow. We love this one.
Yoga Flow
Work through this anywhere from 5-10 times on each side. Transition from each pose to the next being sure to breathe.
- Plank (shoulders directly over wrists; keeping belly and butt tight)
- Runner’s lunge left side
- Spinal twist while extending left hand toward the sky/ceiling
- Hamstring stretch left side
- Reverse Warrior pose (Warrior pose with a backbend)
- Hamstring stretch left side
- Runner’s lunge left side
- Spinal twist while extending left hand toward the sky/ceiling
- Runner’s lunge left side
- Plank
- Repeat entire sequence on right side
I’ve said this before: Be sure to breathe. Don’t hold your breath!
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!