Marathon Program

December 16th Tuneup

December 16th Tuneup


Let’s work on some endurance! A workout like this one is KEY in making your long runs feel easier.

 Your Workout:

2 Rounds for 5K – 10K Level or 3 – 4 Rounds for Half Marathon plus Level

    • 2-minute run @ 6/10 perceived effort
    • 2-minute jogging recovery @ 3/10 perceived effort
    • 90-second run @ 7/10 perceived effort
    • 90-second jogging recovery @ 3/10 perceived effort
    • 1-minute run @ 8/10 perceived effort
    • 1-minute jogging recovery @ 3/10 perceived effort
    • 90-second run @ 7/10 perceived effort
    • 90-second jogging recovery @ 3/10 perceived effort
    • 2-minute run @ 6/10 perceived effort
    • 3-5 minute jogging recovery @ 2-3/10 perceived effort



While some strength workouts are designed to get you stronger (able to lift/move more weight), others are designed to increase your muscular endurance (how long your muscles can last under load). Noticing a theme this week?

Your Workout:

You’ll need 1 or 2 pairs of dumbbells. 1 set heavy and 1 set light, OR just 1 set medium.

3 Rounds

    • 10-12 weighted curtsy lunges
    • 10-12 bent-over rows 
    • 10-12 dumbbell deadlifts
    • 10-12 bent-over reverse flyes 
    • 10-12 (per leg) weighted split squats
    • Rest as needed between rounds


For each movement: Aim to get through all 10-12 reps with no breaks. In other words, get through all reps of one movement before resting and moving on to the next movement. 


Your quads can’t (and shouldn’t have to) do all the work when you run. Let’s give those glutes some love!

Your Mission:

    • For one minute: perform as many glute bridge raises (3 seconds up, 1-second pause at the top & 3 seconds down) as possible.


Try this a few times this week, as part of a warm-up or cool-down! 

Remember to post your questions, comments, and results in the Private Facebook Group! 🙂