Marathon Program

December 23rd Tuneup

December 23rd Tuneup


Easy-peasy, this week. Well, not easy but, simple.

Your Workout:

    • 30-minute run @ 5-6/10 perceived effort


The catch: Every 5 minutes: perform one 30-second stride.

What’s a “stride” you ask? A “stride” is a gradual build to top-end speed, using an exaggerated run stride. You should hit your 9/10 perceived effort in the last 5-10 seconds.

Your goal is to keep up your jog between strides controlling your speed and breathing to create seamless transitions through the 30 minutes.

No walk breaks if you can help it!

Your endurance will thank you for this one. 😉




Tabata is the name of the game, this week!

Your Workout:

4 Rounds

    • 20 seconds sumo squats
    • 10 seconds rest


4 Rounds

    • 20 seconds alternating reverse lunges
    • 10 seconds rest


4 Rounds

    • 20 seconds v-ups*
    • 10 seconds rest


*Modification for the v-up is a tuck-up.

Don’t forget to cool down/stretch after this one!




We’re bored of the regular old plank hold. Let’s do something new.

Your Mission:

    • 30 seconds standard straight arm plank hold
    • 30 seconds left-arm side plank hold
    • 30 seconds standard straight arm plank hold
    • 30 seconds right arm side plank


We challenge you to keep your hips high and in line with the shoulders & wrists for the entire 2 minutes. Don’t break during transitions!

Need more of a challenge? During each 30-second hold, include 5 leg lifts (standard plank = 10 alternating and side plank = 5 with the top leg).

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!