Marathon Program

December 3rd Tuneup

December 3rd Tuneup


The run goal this week is consistency. How accurate can you be around your 5K and 10K paces, and how well can you hold on for multiple intervals?

Your Workout: 

5 x 1 minute run @ 8/10 effort, or your 5K goal pace.

  • Rest 1 minute between intervals.

1 x 5 minute run @ 7/10 effort, or your 10K goal pace.

  • Rest for 3 minutes in a walk or jog.

5 x 1 minute run @ 8/10 effort, or your 5K goal pace. *Maybe take it up a notch from the first set, if you’ve got it in you!

  • Rest 1 minute between intervals.

1 x 5 minute run @ 7/10 effort, or your 10K goal pace.


Working on that midline! And stability through a range of dynamic movements.

Your Workout:

  • Push-up + two shoulder taps (right thumb to right shoulder then left thumb to left shoulder)
  • Repeat 10 times.
  • Overhead squat with PVC pipe or barbell/weight plate (start light and build from there)
  • Repeat 10 times.
  • Arch body rock (arms extended for advanced, hands on ground by ribs for less advanced)
  • Repeat 10 times.

Repeat entire circuit 3-5 times, resting as needed between rounds.

Bonus Challenge

As runners, we sometimes forget that our legs aren’t the only things working for us!

Let’s give some love to the thoracic spine, shoulders and beyond.

Grab your foam roller and lacrosse ball (or anything similar in size & density). 

  • Begin with a few minutes on the foam roller. The wider surface area will help get your back muscles primed to be more receptive to the lacrosse ball, or more intense mobility work to follow.
  • Use the lacrosse ball to work deeper into specific tight areas you came across during the foam rolling. Spend at least 2 minutes on each spot, moving the arm from the shoulder joint to create change in the tissue.

Add this thoracic tissue work into your routine a few times this week for some noticeable change in your posture, lingering back pain and/or overhead range of motion.

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