Marathon Program

February 19th Tuneup Workouts!

February 19th Tuneup Workouts!



10 Leg Swing + Lunge (each side)

10 Grounded Ankle Circles (each direction, each foot)

Run Workout:

*Perform this after an easy normal distance run for mid week.*

Hill Running

6 Sets

1:00 uphill

Run downhill

Hill Running Technique!

Mobility Exercise:

Deep Lunge + Hamstring Drive

• 10 each leg

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



20 Mountain Climbers

• Increase speed after first 10.

Strength Workout Explanation:

High intensity option day! If you are not actively doing 2+ running workouts a week right now, do this at high intensity. Otherwise, just cruise through the workout and focus on consistency.

Strength Workout Demo’s

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes:

• 200m run (or 1:00)

• Max DB Reverse Lungese in remaining time.

Rest 3 minutes

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes:

• 200m run (or 1:00)

• Max Dumbell Thrusters


• At the start of the workout, and every two minutes after that, perform a 200m run, then use the remaining time before the next run to accumulate either lunges or thrusters. At the 2 minute mark, stop doing whatever you’re doing and run 200m. See how many reps you can get in each!

Mobility Exercise:

Calf Massage using DB’s from workout.

2-3 minutes each side.


• Circle ankle to really get some benefit!

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

2:00-3:00 Elevated Pigeon Hold + Breathing!

Bonus Strength:

3-4 Sets, not for time:

1:00 Weighted Single Leg Hops (each)

8 Goblet Squats + 3 second pause.

10 Breath Hollow Body Hold.