Marathon Program

July 8th Tuneup

July 8th Tuneup


We’re working on building control over your speed and effort, all within the same interval. We’ll call it a progression run. This is one of our favorites because it teaches runners how to manage their breathing based on the demands of the speed, without needing to rest at every change.

Your Workout:

5-7 Rounds (Pick your Poison):

    • 30 seconds at 6/10 perceived effort (should feel like 60% of whatever YOUR max all-out sprint would be)
    • 1 minute at 8/10 perceived effort (should feel like 80% of whatever YOUR max all-out sprint would be)
    • 30 seconds at 10/10 perceived effort
    • 1 minute walk/jog to recover



It’s all about tying a strong core to good movement standards this week. Take the baseline you build from the “bird dog push up” into both your step ups and box jumps for an efficient and injury-preventing strength circuit.

Your Workout:

3 Rounds:

    • 5/side elevated push-up to alternating bird dog (opposite arm and leg raise simultaneously off the ground/bench)
    • 10/side box/bench step-up
    • 10 box/bench jumps
    • 1 minute rest

* Want a more advanced version of the push-up/alternating bird dog?  Perform the push-up from the ground, NOT elevated.

Bonus Mobility

We’ve spiced up this week’s mobility with a little extra core work.

Your Workout:

    • 10 – 15/side alternating runner’s lunge stretch starting slow and gradually building in speed to become alternating mountain climbers.
    • 10 – 15 total standing dynamic shoulder stretch. “Arm hugs.”

Sprinkle these movements into your routine during the week as you need them.

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!