Marathon Program

November 12th Tuneup

November 12th Tuneup


Let’s up our “running mechanics game”.

You’re going to build some strides into your next easy-moderate run to help exaggerate your running form at higher speeds, which will improve your running technique across all types of training. A win-win!

Your Workout:

20-40 minute run at a “conversational pace”. You should be moving at a speed where you can breathe and speak easily.

The catch: On your own time, perform 5-8 strides, spread out through the run.

What is a stride?

~20 seconds ramping up speed to find an exaggerated stride, bigger arm swing and the most power out of your technique

Example of the workout:

  • 5 minutes run at conversational pace
  • Gradual ramp up in speed for 20 second stride
  • Gradual slow down back to conversational pace
  • 5 minutes run at conversational pace
  • Gradual ramp up in speed for 20 second stride


Make sure you warm up and cool down as you normally would.


We’re working across all planes of the body this week. Fair warning… you may be sore all over!

Your Workout:

10 (per leg) single leg glute bridge raises

10 (per leg) pistol squats off box (or on ground for more advanced athletes)

20 (total) bicycle crunches

30-second reverse plank hold

1 minute rest

Repeat for 3-5 rounds.

Bonus Challenge

Remember our plank challenge from a couple weeks ago?

This week we mix things up with a superman (or woman) hold series!

Your Challenge:

  • 30-second super(wo)man hold with just the arms off
  • 10-second rest
  • 30-second super(wo)man hold with just the legs off
  • 10-second rest
  • 30-second super(wo)man hold with both arms and legs off
  • 10-second rest
  • 30-second child’s pose
  • 10-second rest
  • Repeat series 3X.

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!