Marathon Program

Week of April 10th

Week of April 10th

Hey everyone! I’m playing around with a different format on this page. There is less me talking, and more simple demonstration of the movements in the workouts.

This is an effort to make it more approachable and less cumbersome to watch. This does, unfortunately, leave less room for explanation.

If you have any feedback about this change, please let me know at



0:30 Hip Flexion Hold (Right Leg)

1:00 Jog

0:30 Hip Flexion Hold (Left Leg)

1:00 Jog

Run Workout:

30-60 min run

• Stop every 5-10 minutes and perform 5 air squats + 5 leg swings

•• If you are running between 45-60 minutes, stop every 10 minutes.

Mobility Exercise:

3:00 Couch Stretch (each side)

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!




10 Deep Lunge with Spinal Rotation (5 each side)


16 min EMOM

• 1st: 2 Man-Makers

• 2nd: 8 DB Burpee Deadlifts

• 3rd: 1:00 Weighted, Eyes Closed Single Foot Balance (left)

• 4th: 1:00 Weighted, Eyes Closed Single Foot Balance (right)

Mobility Exercise:

6 Lunge to Pigeon (each leg)

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge


Bonus Mobility:

20 Squat Bows

Bonus Strength:

15-20 min Practice:

• 3-5 Push-up Hover (5 sec hold)

• 3 Single Arm Overhead Squats (each arm)

• 4 Shrimp Squats (each leg)