3 Rounds:
“In-N-Outs” (no, not the burger unfortunately)
An In-N-Out consists of a 20m moderate paced jog, a 20m hard paced jog, and a 20m moderate paced jog.
So it is a 60m run with alternations in speed.
• Goal: Learn how to quickly switch gears and stay under control.
Run Drill:
Hill Sprints:
To include at the end of an easy run (20-40 minutes)
5 Rounds: 0:10 Hill Sprint
Walk Back To Start
Walking Rest 2:00
• Find a steep hill that challenges your ability to keep cadence and posture. If the hill is too steep for your current capacity, you will notice a hard deterioration of cadence and/or posture.
• Goal: Run as hard as you can for 0:10. Stay as tall as you can (resist bent over at waist position) and maintain cadence as you hold on flat ground.
Mobility Exercise:
• 1:00 Couch Stretch, immediately into,
• 1:00 Couch Stretch + Hamstring Emphasis
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
10 Cat/Camel’s
2:00 Pigeon Hold (each leg)
4 Rounds, For Time:
15 DB Front Squats
7 Burpees
• Complete 4 rounds as quickly as possible of 15 DB Front Squats and 7 Burpees. Your score is the time it takes you to complete. Be sure to include details about the amount of weight used for the DB Front Squats as well!
*NOTE: In video I said 3 rounds, but the correct amount of rounds is 4 🙂
Mobility Exercise:
2:00/side Suprapatellar Pouch Massage
Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!
Bonus Challenge
Bonus Mobility:
Mermaid Progression
• Pigeon
• Pigeon + Heel Pull
• Mermaid Pose
Bonus Strength:
3 Sets, For Quality:
10m Plank Walk
1:00 Seated Leg Raises