Marathon Program

Week of January 30th

Week of January 30th



5 Rounds

1:00 Run

7 Air Squats + 5 Leg Swings (each leg)

• This can be sprinkled into the start of your run.

Run Workout:

10 minutes EZ

1 minute Stride Boost

5 minutes EZ

1 minute Stride Boost

4 minutes EZ

1 minute Stride Boost

3 minutes EZ

1 minute Stride Boost

10 minutes EZ

• A “Stride Boost” is when we turn our focus to our stride LENGTH. Between 5k-Marathon, your cadence should remain pretty much the same (170-180 spm), so an increase in stride length is needed to facilitate faster speeds.

• You should also attempt to maintain your cadence when increasing the stride length. When doing this, you will go faster, and that’s what we want!

• Speed is a product of (stride length • cadence), so increasing stride length while maintaining a constant cadence will result in increased speed.

Mobility Exercise:

Loaded Toe Extension

• Done immediately following mechanical speed session

• 2-3 minutes per foot

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



2 Rounds

20 Backwards Arm Circles

10 Air Squats

10 Plank + Knee Pull


4 sets:

Every minute, progress through:

A: 10 SA DB Press (5 each arm, alternating)

B: 12 SL Glute Bridge (add weight as needed)

C: 10 Seated Leg Raises + 10 Seated Leg Raise Circles CCW, 10 Seated Leg Raise Circles CW

D: Rest

For Example: Minute 0-1 exercise A, minute 1-2 exercise B, minute 2-3 exercise C, etc Use the 60 second rest to add more weight as needed.

16 minutes total.

Mobility Exercise:

Bottom Dip Hold

• 2 x 0:15 Hold

• 2 x 0:30 Hold

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

Spinal fulcrums

• 3-5 minutes total

Bonus Strength:

3 Sets

8 Single Leg Burpees (4 each leg)

Rest as needed

0:30-0:60 Wall Walk Hold

Rest as needed

12 Tempo Renegade Rows (6 each arm) (3 Sec pause at chest)

Rest as needed