Marathon Program

Week of March 27th

Week of March 27th



3 Rounds:

5 Air Squats + 3 second hold in bottom.

10 Leg Swings (each leg)

Run Drill:

4 Rounds:

30m stable arm drill + 70m jog out.

Goal is to increase speed each round. If including this in a workout, perform the stable arm drills during your warm-up for your run!

Mobility Exercise:

Anterior Tibialis Platar Flexion stretch on ground (2:00 per side + movement).

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



1:00 Hip Extension + Heel Pull (each leg)

1:00 Anchored Shoulder Extension (each arm)


3 Sets

1:00 Flexed Hip Leg Raises

Rest 0:30

1:00 Step-Ups (weighted if possible)

Rest 0:30

1:00 Push-Ups

Rest 1:30

Mobility Exercise:

2:00 Glute Bend (each side)

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

Death Stretch (2 min per side)

Bonus Strength:

Practice (15 min):

• 3 Man Makers (build)

• Wall Walk Holds (increase verticality or time)

• Max Hollow Body Hold

*Rest as much as needed to make the positions and control your top priority.