Marathon Program

Week of March 6th

Week of March 6th


This weeks focus is on the long run!


Before Long Run

2 Rounds

10 Air Squats

7 Leg Swings

6 Wide Squat Slides

1:00 Run (0:30 out, 0:30 Back)


For Long Run Day At the halfway point of your long run this weekend, for the remainder of your run (excluding the final 1-2 miles) perform the following:
Start Each Mile With:

1:00 Surge

Immediate Re-Groove

This is a fun exercise to add a little more aerobic support to your long runs and keep your legs out of the slog jog hog jog.

Example (16 mile Long Run) 8 miles at normal LR pace 8 miles beginning each mile with 1:00 surge.

Focus: Immediately re-establish your normal pace. This can be very difficult and will feel dramatic, but finding your pace under elevated fatigue is a wonderful tool to increase work capacity and recovery pace.

Notes: Sorry my head got cut out of the treadmill shot! You don’t need my ugly mug anyways 🙂

Mobility Exercise:

Post Long Run Routine:

5 minute walk

10 Unweighted Kang Squats

10 Leg Swings

5 minute walk

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



5:00 Run


3 Sets, each for total reps

1:00 Plank (challenge as needed)

1:00 DB Thrusters

1:00 Grasshoppers

1:00 DB Reverse Lunge Steps

1:00 Rest

Mobility Exercise:

Seated Quad Smash with DB’s

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

• Accumulate 2:00 in Bottom Dip

• Accumulate 2:00 in Thunderbolt

• Accumulate 2:00 in Pigeon

Bonus Strength:

Skill Work

3 Sets

0:30 Elbow Side Plank (each)

0:15 Weighted Squat Hold

• Normal Stance

• Wide Stance

• Narrow Stance

8 Plank with 5 second Single Arm Raise