Marathon Program

Week of November 7th

Week of November 7th



0:30 Hip Flexion Hold (Right Leg)

1:00 Jog

0:30 Hip Flexion Hold (Left Leg)

1:00 Jog


30 min max distance run

• Stop every 5 minutes and alternate between 10 air squats and 10 leg swings.


This is practice for a routine that you should absolutely start to incorporate into your long runs. The quick stop to shake things out in the hips is VITAL for keeping you fresh and interested.

This can be done with just about anything. I am a big fan of stopping and doing air squats (of course), leg swings, arm circles, trunk twists, pushups, ankle roll-outs, etc.

When performing this on your long run, I like to do this in roughly 10% intervals. This means if I’m running 15 miles, I would stop every 1.5 miles and perform the reps.

Mobility Exercise:

3:00 Couch Stretch

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!



10 Deep Lunge with Spinal Rotation (5 each side)


12 min EMOM

• 1st: 2 Man-Makers

• 2nd: 8 DB Burpee Deadlifts

• 3rd: 0:30 Max Single Unders (or double unders if ya got em!)

How It Works: 

Minute 0-1: Perform 2 Man-Makers

Minute 1-2: Perform 8 DB Burpee Deadlifts

Minute 2-3: Perform 0:30 Max Single Unders

etc etc up to the 12 minute mark. You will do each exercise 4 times.

Rest any amount of time after completing task until the next minute comes around.

Equipment Needed:


Jump Rope

Mobility Exercise:

6 Lunge to Pigeon (each leg)

2:00 Child’s Pose

Remember: Post your results, comments, and questions in our private Facebook Group…just for you!

Bonus Challenge

Bonus Mobility:

20 Squat Bows

Bonus Strength:

15 min Practice:

• 2-3 Push-up Hover (0:10)

• 3 Single Arm Overhead Squats (each arm)

• 4 Shrimp Squats (each leg)