Welcome to the Injury Prevention

| Lower Leg

Wednesday :
Lower Leg

Banded Ankle Opener


Prescription: 2-3 minutes per side. Before or after workout.


Pssst…it’s not just your tight calves…it’s the ankles themselves. Come restore range of motion like a pro!

Shin Smash


Prescription: 2-3 min per side. After workout. Avoid doing this if your shins are really flared up.


Shins splints are not fun. Stay one step ahead with this surprising way to use a roller and beat shin splints before it beats you!

Massage Sandwich


Prescription: 2-3 minutes each leg. After workout.


We bet you’ve seldom massaged these bad boys! Find those sticky areas and move the ankle around.

Broomstick Bash


Prescription: 2-3 min total. After workout.


This is a fun and approachable substitute to foam rolling the calves. Work both north and south and east to west (like you’re sawing at the leg).

Calf Smash


Prescription: 2-3 minutes. After run/workout or during dedicated mobility session.


This exercise comes as no surprise. Keeping the tissues in your calf happy is very important for their function.

Unlike the Broomstick Bash, you can get more focused pressure with a LAX ball and a deeper massage.


While we’ve worked with numerous licensed physical therapists to create content, we are not doctors, nor do we claim to be doctors. These exercises are ones we’ve used on ourselves and our clients throughout the years and have selected our favorite, most effective tools to get the job done! If you’re concerned with any exercises, please reach out to your local physical therapist for further guidance!