5k Training Program

Week 2 | Day 13


“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

The long run is really the bread and butter of distance training. It’s where we condition our body to withstand the stresses of running longer distances. We strengthen our hearts, our cardiovascular system, our muscles and tendons, and become more energy efficient.

We accomplish all this by running SLOWLY, with an RPE between 4/10 and 6/10

Today is not the day to try to set a PR, or run so fast that you can’t hold a conversation with a running buddy. Save running fast for race day.

Choose A Training Week
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6


  • Running Warmup

    All Levels: 5 minutes


    Beginner: Alternate Run 30 seconds / Walk 30 seconds
    Intermediate & Advanced: Run Easy

    Effort Levels

    All Levels: RPE 3/10

  • Dynamic Warmup: Leg Swings and Arm Hugs

    Leg Swings & Arm Hugs

  • Main Workout

    Beginner : 3 miles
    Intermediate : 3 miles to 5.5 miles
    Advanced: 5.5 miles


    Beginner: Run easy. Every 4 minutes, do 10 air squats

    Intermediate & Advanced:

    Start: Easy for 1 mile
    Pick-up: Run 3 minutes at 5k Race Pace, recover 2 minutes
    Repeat 2 more times
    Finish: Easy for the remainder of the distance

    Effort Levels

    Beginner: RPE 4/10

    Intermediate & Advanced:

    Start: RPE 4/10
    Pick-up: RPE 8/10, recover RPE 3/10
    Finish: RPE 5/10

  • Cooldown

    Beginner: 2 minutes
    Intermediate: 2 minutes to 5 minutes
    Advanced: 5 minutes


    Beginner: Alternate Run 30 seconds / Walk 30 seconds
    Intermediate & Advanced: Run

    Effort Levels

    All Levels, Run: RPE 2/10

  • Mobility: Glutes and Hamstrings

    Work those big engines- introduce your glutes to a lacrosse ball

    Maintain the inner and outer hamstrings