Week 6 | Day 38
We’re going to dial back the workload some on the first strength workout on Race Week!
We’ll be doing a modified Tabata style workout for the sets of exercises you’ve seen over the past two weeks. As you’ll recall, several of the exercises emphasize one leg at a time, so the modification will be that you’ll do one set of the exercise emphasizing one leg, and then do a second set emphasizing the other leg.
We know you likely have a lot going on this week, especially if you’re traveling for your race, so we want to keep this short and sweet but still have you be focused and strong. You’re going to have a great week and a great race!
You may be looking for a way to get in a few more miles during a training week, and this optional run before a strength workout is a safe and sane way of doing just that. It won’t be for everyone, and you don’t need to do it every week. Pay attention to how well your body is recovering day-to-day before deciding to add more mileage.
If you choose to do this optional run, run easy for about 5 minutes, then stop and do some air squats, leg swings, and hip circles before finishing this warm up. Your body will thank you.
Beginner: 15 minutes
Intermediate: 20 – 30 minutes
Advanced: 40 minutes
All Levels: Easy Run
All Levels: RPE 3 out of 10
30 seconds high knees in place
5 inchworms (no push up)
30 seconds butt kicks
5 inchworms (no push up)
20 lateral leg swings/side
Today we’re doing a modified Tabata style workout with all groups of exercises, where you’ll be doing each exercise in turn for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds recovery. Each group’s set will take two to three minutes, with 60-second to 90-seconds between groups.
For the Group Three Tabata, we’re going to add an additional rep – just because this one’s so much fun.
Lunge with High Skip on Left Leg for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Fast Mountain Climbers for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Happy Stars for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Lunge with High Skip on Right Leg for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Fast Mountain Climbers for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Happy Stars for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Rest 60-seconds to 90-seconds and continue on to Group Two
Hand Release PushUps for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Burpee Box Jumps for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Butterfly SitUps for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Hand Release PushUps for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Burpee Box Jumps for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Butterfly SitUps for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Rest 60-seconds to 90-seconds and continue on to Group Three
Remember, we’re doing this group twice! Have fun!
Curb Hops on Left Leg for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Glute Bridge Raises on Left Leg only for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Curb Hops on Right Leg for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Glute Bridge Raises on Right Leg only for 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
Rest 60-seconds to 90-seconds, then repeat Group Three Tabata.
Fast Mountain Climbers
Happy Stars
Hand Release Push Up to Downward Dog with a Shin Tap
Burpee Box Jumps
Butterfly Sit Ups
Single Leg Curb Jump
Single Leg Glute Bridge Raise
Improve your posture and breathing by rolling your thoracic spine. It just feels good. Just stay in the thoracic area and don’t roll your spine between your ribs and your hips.
Improve your arm swing by rolling out your lats