
  • Warm Up

    Referencing the video at the top of the page perform the following warm up

    2 Rounds, not for time

    10 Pass Throughs
    10 BTN Press
    1:00 Jump Rope
    10 Mountain Climbers

  • Strength Workout

    4 Sets

    5 Push Press
    Rest 1:30-2:00 between


    • Add weight across sets if posture was maintained in the previous set!

  • Main Workout

    3 Sets

    8 Back Squats
    6-10 Pull-ups
    8 Weighted Good Mornings


    • Add weight across the sets if you do a rock star job!

  • Mobility

    5:00 Walk
    Elevated Pigeon, 2-3 per side

Movement Demo/Explanation