Week 4 | Day 7
Referencing the video at the top of the page do the following workout
2 Rounds
10 Side Step Plank Walk (5 each direction)
20 Mountain Climbers (10 each leg)
10 Scorpions (5 each direction)
4 Sets, increasing in weight:
4 Tempo Front Squat
• 3 second lower, 3 second pause
• Increase weight across each set.
• Lift every 2:30
2 Sets
1:00 Single Leg Squats (alternating), 1:00 Rest
1:00 Accumulate as much time as possible in Hollow Body Hold, 1:00 Rest
1:00 Deficit Push-Ups, 1:00 Rest
1:00 Star Plank (Left one set, Right second set), 1:00 Rest
• This workout has a lot of high complexity movements, so be patient and prioritize moving well over intensity.
Couch Stretch 2-3 min each leg