
  • Warm Up

    10 Barbell Good Mornings
    10 Barbell Push-Press
    30/30/30 Jump Rope (single-under, single leg, single under)

  • Strength Set

    Tempo Deadlift

    5 x 3 Tempo Deadlift


    • 5 Second Lower, 0 Second Pause, Explode Up.
    • Add weight each set if possible.
    • Lift every 2:00

  • Workout

    3 Sets
    1:00 Max Strict Pull-Ups
    Rest 0:30
    1:00 Max Push-Ups
    Rest 0:30
    1:00 Max Box Jumps
    Rest 2:00


    • Pull-Ups: Choose scaling option that allows between 8-15 reps.

    • Push-Ups: Ugly push-ups are easy to do. Beautiful push-ups are the goal!

    • Box Jumps: Choose a challenging, but confident height for the box. Step down between each jump.

Movement Demo/Explanation