
  • Warm Up

    Referencing the video at the top of the page perform the following warm-up

    20 PVC Pass Throughs
    20 PVC Strict Press

  • Strength Workout

    4 Sets

    3 Tempo Strict Press
    5 Dips (weighted if necessary)
    Rest 2 min between sets

    • Transition immediately from Press to Dips
    • Add weight to dips if 5 does not challenge.
    • 3-second pause overhead, 3-second lower back to chest

  • Main Workout

    2 Sets

    1:00 Max Ring Plank Hold
    Rest 0:30
    1:00 Max Front Squats
    Rest 0:30
    1:00 Max DB Burpees
    Rest 0:30
    1:00 Max Supinated Pull-ups
    Rest 2:30


    • If you want to increase the weight of any of the movements, do so during the 2:30 of rest!

  • Mobility

    5:00 Walk
    TFL Massage, 2 min per side