Marathon Program

Week 16 | Marathon Day 108

Strength Training

Time: ~45 minutes.

Strength Training

The final week can you believe it?! It would only be fitting to add a little more volume to the movements you now know (and love). Again you are the boss today so perform the variations of the movements that make your body feel good. Go forth and conquer, and maybe even smile!. Since there is most likely a race upcoming for you this weekend, we’ve dialed back the reps a bit so that you get a little more rest but you still stay sharp and strong.

Choose A Training Week
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16

Today’s Workout

  • Warm up

    2 rounds:

    30” jumping or jump rope, alternating feet.
    12 hip circles each with hip extension focus.
    12 plank walk-outs with varied hand pushups.

    2 rounds:

    12 opposite arm/opposite leg extensions from all fours.
    12 Straight leg circles each way from a plank
    12 Shoulder Passes with JR or towel + 10 Overhead Squats + 10 Sotts Press

  • Mainset

    3 rounds:

    20 seconds Squat jumps max reps
    20 seconds Pushups max reps
    60 seconds Rest

    3 rounds:

    5 Pistols (or modified pistols) per leg
    10 V Ups
    60 seconds Rest

    3 rounds:

    20 seconds Bear Crawl 5m forward, 5 m backward
    20 seconds Shoulder Touch Planks
    60 seconds Rest


2-4 minutes T Spine

2-4 minutes additional mobility exercise of your choice

***The run isn’t “over” until you finish your mobility***


  • Warmup

    Jump Roping, Hip Circles & Plank Walk Outs

    2. Plank, Overhead Passes & Squats

  • Mainset

    Squat Jumps + Push-ups

    Pistols + V-ups

    Bear Crawls + Shoulder Touch Push-ups

  • Mobility

    Thoracic Spine + Choice Mobility