Marathon Program

Week 15 | Marathon Day 101

Strength Training

Time: ~45 minutes.
Our third week of strength training with our new movements. By now you should feel a little more familiar with the pistols and can control that movement a little deeper for a longer period. To us that’s a super important element to building running strength!

Choose A Training Week
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16

Today’s Workout

  • Warm up

    4 rounds:

    30” jumping or jump rope, alternating feet.

    10 hip circles each with with hip extension focus.

    10 plank walk outs with varied hand pushups.


    4 rounds:

    10 opposite arm/opposite leg extensions from all fours.

    10 Straight leg circles each way from a plank

    10 Shoulder Passes with JR or towel + 10 Overhead Squats + 10 Sotts Press

  • Mainset

    3 rounds: 45”/45”/45”

    Squat jumps max reps

    Pushups max reps


    3 rounds:

    14 Pistols or modified pistols (per leg)

    28 V Ups


    3 rounds: 45”/45”/45”

    Bear Crawl 5m forwards, 5 m backwards

    Shoulder Touch Planks



2-4 minutes T Spine

2-4 minutes mob of choice

***The run isn’t “over” until you finish your mobility***


  • Warmup

    1. Jump Roping, Hip Circles & Plank Walk Outs

    2. Plank, Overhead Passes & Squats

  • Mainset

    3. Squat Jumps + Push-ups

    4. Pistols + V- ups

    6. Bear Crawls + Shoulder Touch Push-ups

  • Mobility

    8. Thoracic Spine + Choice Mobility