Marathon Program

Week 14 | Marathon Day 94

Strength Training

Time: 45 minutes.

Your legs are cooked from training, and you may be tired or stressed from the week. Well lucky for you this workout is designed to re-balance your body and make you feel good! You are the boss of your workout, so if you need to scale challenging exercises to do them well, then scale. Do not sacrifice quantity for quality.

Choose A Training Week
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16


  • Warm up

    3 rounds:

    40” jumping or jump rope, alternating feet.

    12 hip circles each with with hip extension focus.

    12 plank walk outs with varied hand pushups.


    3 rounds:

    12 opposite arm/opposite leg extensions from all fours.

    12 Straight leg circles each way from a plank

    12 Shoulder Passes with JR or towel + 10 Overhead Squats + 10 Sotts Press

  • Mainset

    3 rounds: 40”/40”/40”

    Squat jumps max reps

    Pushups max reps


    3 rounds:

    12 Pistols or modified pistols (per leg)

    24 V Ups


    3 rounds: 40”/40”/40”

    Bear Crawl 5m forwards, 5 m backwards

    Shoulder Touch Planks



2-4 minutes T Spine

2-4 minutes mob of choice

***The run isn’t “over” until you finish your mobility***


  • Warmup

    1. Jump Roping, Hip Circles & Plank Walk Outs

    2. Plank, Overhead Passes & Squats

  • Mainset

    3. Squat Jumps + Push-ups

    4. Pistols + V- ups

    5. Bear Crawls + Shoulder Touch Push-ups

  • Mobility

    7. Thoracic Spine + Choice Mobility